We offer a wide range of alarm systems for marine automation applications. These alarms can be customised to fit your specific needs and requirements, with options for audible and visual alerts, such as engine alarms, bilge alarms, and fire alarms . Our alarms are designed to provide reliable and accurate warnings to ensure the safety and efficiency of your operations. Contact us today to learn more about our selection of alarm systems.
Kawasaki Fac-10Awu Fire Alarm Control Panel Ag446 50/60Hz
Kawasaki Safety Service Industries, Ltd.
Koshibi Electric Co., Ltd.
Toyo Denki Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Fire Alarm Indicator
Model: Fac-10Awu
Main Source: Ac 100V
Mfg.No: 0035
Aux.Source/Circuit Voltage: Dc 24V