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We are committed to providing high-quality industrial automation solutions to help businesses increase efficiency and productivity. Our range of detectors, including photoelectric, proximity, and ultrasonic sensors, are designed to provide accurate and reliable feedback on various industrial processes. We offer customization options and excellent customer service to ensure our products meet your specific needs. Trust us for your detector needs and experience the benefits of our top-quality products and support.
Teamtec 12500 Thermocouple Type N-300 Assembly
Marine Products
Art.No./No: 12500
Pillard safyr packscan sa 510ac adf flame detector
type safyr packscan sa 510ac adf
flame detector
Qmi Multiplex Oil Mist Detector
Qmi Multiplex
Luxco Lfd-6Pb (R1) Line Fault Detector
Luxco Co., Ltd
Lux & Corea
Line Fault Detector
Model: Lfd-6Pb (R1)
Det-tronics X5200 A Ultraviolet Flame Detector 008500-001
Detector Electronics Corporation
Det-tronics United Technologies
Phoenix Contact
Ultraviolet Flame Detector
Model: X5200 A
Elec. Rating: 18-30 Vdc – 2.8 – 17.5 Watts
Cl I, Div 1, Grp B, C, D (T5);
Cl Ii, Div 1, Grp E, F, G (T5); Cl Iii
Honeywell 2108B2001N Searchpoint Optima Plus Infrared Gas Detector
Make: Honeywell Analytics Ltd
Optima Plus
Thermo Fisher Scientific Australia Pty Ltd.
Model: Optima +
Part No/Maker Ref: 2108B2001N
Type: Optima Plus-atex/Iecex-hc
Simrad Gd10 Infrared Gas Detector Ex96D321
Simrad Optronics
100% Lel Source
Honeywell 2108B 2051N Searchpoint Optima Plus Infrared Gas Detector
Honeywell Analytics Ltd
Searchpoint Optima Plus
Part No: 2108B 2051N
Poole Bh17 0Rz Uk
Mod: X X X 11 12 13/8/9/10
Ex D Iic Gb Ex Tb Iic Db T96˚C (Tamb-40 To +65˚)
Tif Instruments Tif 300Hv Permissible Ac Voltage Detector
Tif Instruments, Inc.
Permissible Ac Voltage Detector
Tic Tracer