Precise measurement and control begins with the right sensors. Automation offers a wide range of industrial sensors to enhance the performance and accuracy of your operations. Improve your automation with our cutting-edge sensor solutions.
Parker-origa Kl 3302 Magnetic Sensor Ac/Dc 10-30VParker-origa GmbhKl 33021119
Parker Scpt-015-02-02 Pressure Sensor Set 9200 PsiParkerSensor ControlScpt-015-02-02
Convum/Parker Mps-v1E-pc Pressure Sensor Woodhead Connectivity Gmbh Dc10.8-30VConvumParkerWoodhead Connectivity Gmbh
Parker Scp-9237 Control Pressure SensorParkerSenso Control/Control SenseType: Scp-9237Range: 0…300 Psi
Parker Jb26 Sensor Series 60ParkerJb26Jb2335Js2335Ssh3-62
Parker Convum Mps-v3G-pga Pressure Sensor NewParker ConvumMps-v3G-pgaBrown: Dc10.8-30VBlue: 0V
Parker Convum Mps-v3G-pga Pressure SensorParker ConvumMps-v3G-pgaBrown: Dc 10.8-30VBlue: 0VBlack: Out1